Friday, October 12, 2012


This week we watched a documentary called baggit, it's about the shocking number of onetime use plastic convenience items like bags and bottles and packaging.  The documentary really shocked me, not because of the plastic not breaking down in landfills or litter in the ocean, I already knew about that; what really surprised me is the amount of toxins we intake into our bodies on a daily basis.  At one point in the documentary a man uses plastic convenience items and shampoos and other artificial products and his blood analysis came up spiked with harmful toxins.  Whats worse is these toxins can even be found in many children's toys and soaps some are even linked to ADHD and Autism.  It seems company's have been asleep at the wheel when it comes to product safety and something has to be done about it.

Friday, October 5, 2012


After watching a video on how food is grown by most American farms I was amazed by how efficient Echo really is.  Everything at Echo is environmentally Conservative, from simple irrigation methods to advanced seeding.  Not only dose Echo provide the needy with healthy foods they also show people simple cost effective methods of agriculture that could be used anywhere in the world.  Echo impressed me so much I have chosen them as the origination where I will do my Service learning hours for.