Friday, September 28, 2012

Farming industry

We watched a video about the commercialization of the farming industry.  Large corporations have taken over the farming industry driving prices up and cutting the small farmer out of the picture.  More artificial ingredients, more steroids and antibiotics.  As well as cost cutting methods that risk our safety has all become a part of the farming industry.  In my opinion we need to find  a more ethical and sustainable way of feeding this country what ever the cost is.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Today was my second trip out to CREW.  I first saw crew in my SW bio class freshman year and could not get over the beauty of it.  CREW was set up by Audobone society and displays many difrent ecosystems from marshes to pine flatwoods and more.  You can see where lightning struck 100 year old trees and where hundreds of exotic birds come to migrate to every year.  You walk on a board walk through raw untoched everglades and it offers many beautiful sights.  I can Honestly say that this will not be the last time I visit CREW.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Nat Geo

This week we watched a national geographic documentary on the carbon foot print of the average American. It really opened my eyes to how much we leave behind for hundreds of years.  There are many statistics in this movie that did not really surprise me like 1500 chickens I will eat in my life time or the 3000 pounds of hamburgers I will eat.  Other statics's like the 15 tons of garbage i will leave behind or the thousands of pounds of plastic I will throw away is shocking.  I know the world will not be a very good place to live 50-60 years from now if we don't change out ways.  Nat Geo suggested things like recycling and HE lighting to cut down carbon usage.  Not only will I buy a few led lights when they go on sale I will try and recycle as much as possible, I will also try and buy locally grown food to cut down my carbon foot print.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Nature Trail

This week we went of a Field trip to the FGCU nature trail.  I had no idea how diverse the nature trail was, with different ecosystems living at different elevations.  We saw plenty of slash pines and oak hammocks as well as numerous mosquito's.  I had no idea that only 45% of the land that FGCU owns is built on the rest is set aside for nature.  Also the university takes great steps to be as green as possible on campus as well.